DESERT ... libya

The desert represents more than 90% of the Libyan territories, and forming an important Libyan resource, where there are many tourist attraction landmarks, having special interest for the tourists. This includes the various landmarks, landscapes and big fortune of before history arts, agricultural and urban constructions in villages and habitations in oases, desert lakes, in addition to the distinct folklores and cultures in oases and desert cities. Such a diversity in desert tourist phenomena in Libya gives several opportunities to perform entertainment, cultural and scientific activities to satisfy the desire of the adventurer tourist and the amateur sportsman tourist through the desert paths, as well as the explorer tourist interesting in researching of all new, the researcher of human cultures and antique heritage, and the studier of nature and history. Moreover, the natural beauty distinguishing the Libyan desert and its calm, isolation and simplicity of life have characteristics attract the photography amateurs and all who seek for calmness and tranquility. 

Tourism in libya
