Razzi v1.1.0 - Multipurpose WordPress Theme for WooCommerce


Razzi is a clean and minimal AJAX WooCommerce WordPress theme built on top of the Elementor builder. It was built for your digital store, high tech store, watch store, men store, women store, clothing store, furniture store, book store, cosmetics store, luxury jewelry and accessories store ...

Info: https://themeforest.net/ item / razzi-woocomme ...- theme / 31833761

In addition, this amazing theme is integrated with WooCommerce, many plugins with many features, mini cart, custom widgets, unlimited color schemes, slider with fade effects, menus with multiple column styles and advanced widgets ... You can freely control this theme. to make your store more friendly and attractive to your customers ...



Size: 9.96 Mb , downloaded 13 times
