WPBulky v1.0.1 - WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types

 WPBulky v1.0.1 - WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types

WPBulky - WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types is a useful tool that allows you to bulk work with post types. The plugin supports enough tools to bulk edit post types such as posts, pages, multimedia, custom post types….

Info: https://codecanyon.net/item/wpbulky-wordpre...-types/34105857

WPBulky- can filter properties of post types such as title, title, image, post date, status, allow comments, allow backlinks, author, password, metadata ... quickly get post meta fields for bulk editing. Take advantage of the plugin, you can master the bulk editing of post types, save time and improve site management at a high level.

Zwpbulky-1.0.1.zipSize: 4.19 Mb , downloaded 114 times
