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Trogolodytes now abandoned There are only a few sparse areas in Northern Africa that offers the kind of architecture that is guaranteed to fascinate virtually anybody, the troglodytes, dwellings dug vertically down into the ground. In the Nafusa Mountains, Gharyan, has some of the best examples, but unfortunately for the visitors, prosperity has made the inhabitants leave them for modern houses with air conditioning. A large part of the troglodytes have been left to themselves, and the only inhabitants here now are animals. There are a couple of the troglodytes that really present the true and impressive living conditions people managed to create just some decades ago. Still Gharyan is quite a bit behind Matmata of Tunisia in the qualities it offers. Eat and Sleep One first class hotel, that really understands how to cater for visitors interested in Gharyan's past. It is terribly expensive for any budget traveller, though. Another hotel is adequate


NALUT   Finest ghurfas With Nalut, the Nafusa Mountains really comes to its westernmost end. Nalut is perhaps the most rewarding of all ghurfa villages in Libya, with its twisting streets. The entire town is situated on an escarpment with a great view in eastern direction. The old town has a huge ksar, made up of 400 chambers or ghurfas, used mainly for storing and protecting grain and oil. The ksar is more than 300 years old, while the mosque, Alala, is even older. READ MORE ...


MURZUQ The Sultan's palace Murzuq was a couple of centuries ago the capital of a fairly extensive sultanate, The sultan's palace is still standing, and while many of the most impressive artefacts are by long gone, entering is both possible and most rewarding. A mosque nearby is very interesting as well, old with a minaret that appears to be bending after being melted by the sun. This one too, can be entered. READ MORE ...

الحيوانات الثديية في ليبيا

الحيوانات الثديية في ليبيا معظم الحيوانات الثديية تظهر في الليل ومن النادر رؤيتها في النهار ، بحيث يمكن مشاهدتها عند الفجر والغروب ومن الحيوانات الليبية اليربوع (الجربوع) وهو من رتبة القوارض ويعيش في حفر أو جحور تحت الأرض ويعيش في الأقاليم الصحراوية الجافة ولا يشرب أبداً إذ يقتصر غذاؤه على جذور النباتات وبذورها وما يعلق بها من ماء . READ MORE ..


LEPTIS MAGNA LEPTIS MAGNA LEPTIS MAGNA2 LEPTIS MAGNA3 LEPTIS MAGNA3 LEPTIS MAGNA4 LEPTIS MAGNA5 All Pages Page 1 of 6 The supreme Roman ruins   Leptis Magna has deservedly earned a reputation of having the most complete and impressive Roman ruins in the entire North Africa. Leptis Magna was originally a Berber settlement, whereafter the Phoencians made it into a trading point. From the 6th century BC Leptis Magna was probably subdued by Carthage. It became part of the Roman empire in 111 BC.


L'ATRUN Celebration of water This is a spot of great supply of water, the Byzantine built the town of Eythron here. There are two basilicas, the Western Church which is noted for its white columns. Look out for the fine mosaic pavings. Over a hill, some 150 metres away, lies the Eastern Church, which is less attractive. READ MORE ...


KUFRA Kufra is as far away as you can get in Libya. It's reported that nothing has been done to meet the tourist's  needs. With reservations / There are no hotels here. Kufra is an oasis based on enormous underground water reservoirs. While it once was started large expansion schemes for the region, the economy in it has made the Libyan governments turn to the unique Great Man-Made River. Great Man-Made River is going to bring water through pipelines from Kufra to the coastal areas. Only a strong economy as the Libyan could afford a plan like this, but the whole thing seems to become far more expensive than once planned. READ MORE ...


kabaw Ghurfas in good condition While the old Kabaw village is almost all in shambles, and its inhabitants relocated to dull, new houses, the old village still has areas indicating how live once was. Most interesting, however, are the ghurfas or ksar, the granary built by the local Berbers, dating 700 years back in time. The inner courtyard has a tomb built around a local religious leader. In April, there is a festival in Kabaw, known as the Qasr Festival. Here Berber culture comes alive, but it is also a time for important events like weddings.   Eat and Sleep No hotels or restaurants.   Transportation No buses or shared taxis, but it should be possible to get off, and hopefully on, the bus from a road junction, either 10 km south of, or 30 km north or Kabaw. If you don't have your own car, visiting Kabaw can be very expensive.   Going Next 75


AL-KHOMS Almost a tourist destination   Al-Khoms is by all means a friendly place. Being a city of more than 100,000 inhabitants it provides all services you expect in Libya. Still, being a city of progress, many areas are not pretty to watch. READ MORE ...


Ruins in the forests ,Yefren has everything going for it the day Libya loosens up for more tourism. Situated in an area of the Nafusa Mountains with scenic forests, the old yefren is perched on a crag.     Resembling some other Berber villages in neighbour Tunisia, yefren holds enough structures to invite for an exploration lasting several hours. This area is one of strong impressions and colours, with fresh red soil, and thriving agriculture. READ MORE ...


River of oases   The Wadi Shatti  is among the least explored areas of Fezzan, but should you decide to go travelling here, there will be more than enough to fill a couple of days of experiences. One of the main attractions are the mud-brick houses, which in most cases now have been abandoned. READ MORE ..

Waw Namus

Moon landscape   Few destinations of Libya demand more travelling than Waw Namus, but when you get here you are practically in the very centre of Sahara. And when you are in the centre of Sahara what would be better to come across than a crater lake? It is quite a drive south into pure desert from the village of Waw Kabir, before ascending the mountain of Waw Namus, which is an extinct volcano. The landscape you eventually find looks almost like on the moon. READ MORE ...


Zuwayla is a town of importance for Islamic history.  Here 7 of Muhammad's original followers are told to have died in a defence of the town once in the 7th century BC. Along with this, Zuwayla has an area of Islamic ruins, which are presently being excavated. But still, most of the ruins remain unearthed. Zuwayla is an oasis living off agriculture and some thousand date palms. READ MORE ...


Zliten is now adorned with a rather impressive modern site, the Sidi Abdusalam Mosque, which has been decorated by the same artisans that worked with the Hassan Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco. The quality of the work will impress most visitors. READ MORE ...

نبذة عن ليبيا بالعربى الاسم الرسمي : ليبيا  الموقع الجغرافي و الفلكي : تقع ليبيا وسط ساحل أفريقيا الشمالي على البحر المتوسط, و تمتد رقعتها الشاسعة حتى مرتفعات شمال وسط القارة الأفريقية , يحدها من الشرق مصر , و من الجنوب السودان و تشاد و النيجر, و من الغرب الجزائر و تونس ,و فلكيا تمتد ليبيا بين خطي طول 9 ° و 25 ° شرقا , و دائرتي عرض 25 18 ° و 33 ° شمالا. و بناء على موقعها الجغرافي تعد ليبيا جسرا مهما يربط بين أفريقيا و أوروبا , كما أدى موقعها المميز على الساحل الجنوبي للمتوسط إلى تأثرها منذ أقدم العصور تأثرا مباشرا بالأحداث التاريخية المهمة التي عرفتها منطقة البحر المتوسط, و تعد موانئها الصالحة لاستقبال السفن على مدار السنة مثل ميناءي بنغازي و طرابلس و غيرهما منافذ جيدة لتجارة بعض الأقطار الأفريقية كالنيجر و تشاد و مالي مع العالم الخارجي, هذا و تمثل ليبيا بموقعها الإستراتيجي حلقة وصل مهمة بين مشرق الوطن العربي و مغربه , و لهذا السبب يظهر فيها بوضوح إلتقاء و إمتزاج التيارات الثقافية و الحضارية العربية الإسلامية