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Showing posts from April, 2017

Mountain Tourism

The green mountain (Eljebel Elakhdar) and the western mountain (Eljebel Elgharbi) are considered the main mountain series in the eastern and western parts of the country successively, they are situated along the sea border or close to it relatively, both regions are of high altitude the maximum altitude reaches 1000 meters they are thus higher than the close coastal planes and the coast, we find in these mountains narrow and slanting rivers, moreover the rainfall in those mountain regions is relatively higher where we can find vegetation and agricultural lands more than the other regions of the country, moreover the downhills are very beautiful in particular during the Spring season, and the temperature in the two mountain regions is a bit colder than the plains in summer season despite that it is much colder in winter season.  The region of the green mountain is distinguished with its beautiful landscaping and natural environment rich with botanic life that attract many

DESERT ... libya The desert represents more than 90% of the Libyan territories, and forming an important Libyan resource, where there are many tourist attraction landmarks, having special interest for the tourists. This includes the various landmarks, landscapes and big fortune of before history arts, agricultural and urban constructions in villages and habitations in oases, desert lakes, in addition to the distinct folklores and cultures in oases and desert cities. Such a diversity in desert tourist phenomena in Libya gives several opportunities to perform entertainment, cultural and scientific activities to satisfy the desire of the adventurer tourist and the amateur sportsman tourist through the desert paths, as well as the explorer tourist interesting in researching of all new, the researcher of human cultures and antique heritage, and the studier of nature and history. Moreover, the natural beau

الأقاليم النباتية في ليبيا :

الأقاليم النباتية في ليبيا : الأقاليم النباتية في ليبيا يمكن تمييزها في النطاقات الآتية : أولاً : نطاق نبات البحر المتوسط ثانياً : نطاق الأستبس شبه الصحراوي ثالثاً : نطاق النباتات الصحراوية الأعشاب الطبية في ليبيا يحتوي إقليم الجبل الأخضر على حوالي (50%) من النباتات الطبيعية في كامل البلاد حيث استأثر نبات السيلفوم بأهمية اقتصادية في العهود القديمة إذ أصطلح على تسميته بالثروة النفطية القديمة ، وترجع أهمية هذا النبات إلى استعمالاته الطبية المتعددة . هذا وعملت الظروف البيئية وعدم الاهتمام به وأثر الإنسان على البيئة الحيوية للإقليم إلى انتهائه والقضاء عليه إذ اندثرت معالمه مع بداية القرن الخامس الميلادي . وبالرغم من التطور العلمي الذي وصلت إليه البحوث الدوائية فإن بعض الأعشاب ما زالت تستعمل في كثير من بقاع العالم وفي البلاد الصحراوية بالذات حيث يعيش سكانها في مجموعات متناثرة يكون للدواء أهمية خاصة لتوفير مصدره مما جعلهم يبدون اهتماما لكل نبات يتبينون منه فائدة علاجية أو أهمية اقتصادية وليبيا بلد صحراوي ذو مساحة شاسعة يمتلك ثروة هائلة من النباتات الطبية التي

Algser for Construction and Real Estate Featured Algser for Construction and Real Estate  Featured ALGASR CONSTRUCTION is a Civil Engineering and Construction Company and investment is based in Libya  xperienced Project Managers, Engineers, Administrative staff and on-site supervisors were recruited Thus a highly experienced specialist team was created so as to implement large construction projects inside and outside Libya. The team is able to efficiently handle the most demanding and rigorous projects to the highest standards. In addition ALGASR CONSTRUCTION works with a number of project consultants to ensure that all the projects are completed to the highest standards.These improvements have enabled ALGASR CONSTRUCTION to successfully secure a significant number of tenders and projectssuch as residential units and modern administrative centers in Libya. ALGASR CONSTRUCTION is now in a position to undertak

Alyamama for food importing & distributing Featured Alyamama for food importing & distributing  Featured Al yamama of the leading companies which is characterized by its capacity to perform the import, distribution and marketing of all food business, taking into account international standards in the import and marketing of imported materials and contracted services in the best possible conditions for all customers in different regions as the company owns a number of cars with an average transport chilled and regular contributing to the delivery of all the food   The company is keen to use the systems and techniques of international companies in the selection of the best imported food or local secure healthy and approved by the competent authorities at home and abroad also has a thoroughness and dedication to work thanks to the extensive experience of our management team, which has a high

The Cultural Heritage

The Libyan peoples are very proud with their culture, this culture is very rich and diversified, in addition to the historical sides that include the architectural forms and modes and the museums there are many other cultural elements that have particular attraction for the tourists.     •  Crafts and masterpieces     •  Meals, foods and cooking art     •  Arts and music including the paintings and engravings     •  The festivities and special occasions     •  The folkloric songs and dances From the historical point of view Libya was a source of many crafts and traditional industries that attract the tourists such as the traditional jewelry, the famous Ghadames slippers, and the main traditional industrial products that are still manufactured in the country include the potteries in Gharian, the industries based on palm trees such as the trays, the baskets, the palm leafs ventilators found in the oasis regions in the south, and the leather indu