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Showing posts from May, 2017

نبذة عن ليبيا بالعربى الاسم الرسمي : ليبيا  الموقع الجغرافي و الفلكي : تقع ليبيا وسط ساحل أفريقيا الشمالي على البحر المتوسط, و تمتد رقعتها الشاسعة حتى مرتفعات شمال وسط القارة الأفريقية , يحدها من الشرق مصر , و من الجنوب السودان و تشاد و النيجر, و من الغرب الجزائر و تونس ,و فلكيا تمتد ليبيا بين خطي طول 9 ° و 25 ° شرقا , و دائرتي عرض 25 18 ° و 33 ° شمالا. و بناء على موقعها الجغرافي تعد ليبيا جسرا مهما يربط بين أفريقيا و أوروبا , كما أدى موقعها المميز على الساحل الجنوبي للمتوسط إلى تأثرها منذ أقدم العصور تأثرا مباشرا بالأحداث التاريخية المهمة التي عرفتها منطقة البحر المتوسط, و تعد موانئها الصالحة لاستقبال السفن على مدار السنة مثل ميناءي بنغازي و طرابلس و غيرهما منافذ جيدة لتجارة بعض الأقطار الأفريقية كالنيجر و تشاد و مالي مع العالم الخارجي, هذا و تمثل ليبيا بموقعها الإستراتيجي حلقة وصل مهمة بين مشرق الوطن العربي و مغربه , و لهذا السبب يظهر فيها بوضوح إلتقاء و إمتزاج التيارات الثقافية و الحضارية العربية الإسلامية


Official name :Libya.  Geographical Site Libya is located in the middle of the north African coast of the Mediterranean . It vast area is extending until the highs of north and centre of the African continent, bordered from east by Egypt, and from south Sudan, Chad and Niger, and from west Algeria and Tunisia, and between longitudinal lines 9 and 25 degrees east, and transversal lines 18.25 and 33 degrees north.  Area: Libya is distinguished with its vast area, where it reaches about 1,750,000 km2, coming in the fourth rank regarding area, as to the African countries. Its beach length overlooking the Mediterranean sea reaches about two thousand km.  Population: The population census in Libya reaches about 5,484.426 (five million four hundred eighty four thousand four hundred twenty six) inhabitants, as per the 2002 census.  Climatic Conditions: The climate of the most Libyan territories is distinguished with dryness with a big differe

The Cultural Heritage The Libyan peoples are very proud with their culture, this culture is very rich and diversified, in addition to the historical sides that include the architectural forms and modes and the museums there are many other cultural elements that have particular attraction for the tourists.     •  Crafts and masterpieces     •  Meals, foods and cooking art     •  Arts and music including the paintings and engravings     •  The festivities and special occasions     •  The folkloric songs and dances From the historical point of view Libya was a source of many crafts and traditional industries that attract the tourists such as the traditional jewelry, the famous Ghadames slippers, and the main traditional industrial products that are still manufactured in the country include the potteries in Gharian, the industries based on palm trees such as the trays, the baskets, the

BEACHES AND SEA Libya is overlooking the Mediterranean sea with a marine façade with about 2000km length. The Libyan beaches are considered among the longest Arab and African coasts overlooking the Mediterranean. The Libyan beaches are distinguished with their variety of its landscapes where they differ from sand vast beaches with palms growth and rocky beaches overlooking directly high hills as the case is in Eljabel Elakhdar area. The Libyan coast line is featured by its straightness except for some parts which are distinguished by the existence of topographic and morphologic marks, such as coastal zigzags, sea capes, rocky tongues, islands, hills and raising rocky formations adding an importance to the coastal landscapes. The most famous gulfs is that of Sirte, as to the most important sea capes is Ras-Jedir, and the big islands is that of Farwa near the west coast of the country.  The west

Antique vestige

The Libyan coasts host one of the beautiful antique vestiges antique vestiges in the world, these vestiges are found in the western and eastern regions of this coats, in the western region the history of the vestiges are referred back to the Phoenician era during which the cities of Sebratha, Oea and Leptis were founded, however they are the Romans who built these cities that became one of the prosperous and beautiful cities at that time and let to the country this rich archeological heritage.  In the eastern region we find the five antique Greek famous cities: Shahat (Gorina), Sussa (Apolonia), Tolmitha (Ptolemias), Tukra (Tokhira) and Elmerj (Barqa). The beauty of these cities is reinforced by their splendid position in the green mountains regions having an attractive nature, furthermore the region has a number of other archeological landmarks that inhibit the concern of tourists such as the beautiful Byzantine mosaics existing in Libya castle that is