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Mountain Tourism

The green mountain (Eljebel Elakhdar) and the western mountain (Eljebel Elgharbi) are considered the main mountain series in the eastern and western parts of the country successively, they are situated along the sea border or close to it relatively, both regions are of high altitude the maximum altitude reaches 1000 meters they are thus higher than the close coastal planes and the coast, we find in these mountains narrow and slanting rivers, moreover the rainfall in those mountain regions is relatively higher where we can find vegetation and agricultural lands more than the other regions of the country, moreover the downhills are very beautiful in particular during the Spring season, and the temperature in the two mountain regions is a bit colder than the plains in summer season despite that it is much colder in winter season. 
The region of the green mountain is distinguished with its beautiful landscaping and natural environment rich with botanic life that attract many visitors, furthermore the geomorphologic phenomena such as the caverns and the natural shelters in the mountain (such as Ahwaftih cavern) where leftovers were found for humans who lived in the region during the prehistory ages, and the coastal natural landscaping offer an excellent location for exploration for the tourists who are attracted by such regions, moreover the most famous archeological cities of great tourist importance are found there. 
The tourist potentialities in Eljebel Elgharbi region are related with the distinguished culture and the unique architectural art of the region, however the important regions include cereals warehouses in Nalut, Kabaou, Kasr Elhaj, and the old villages in Timogit, Jadu, Fersata, Yefren, Elqalaa, and the important colonies in the summit of the hill in Tormissa and Jadou that are situated in the center of the mountain, where we find a small museum that contain samples of masterpieces that narrate the full history and heritage of the region. 


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