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IPS Community Suite 4.7.18 NULLED

 Скачать бесплатно IPS Community Suite 4.7.18 NULLED.


Invision Community - коммерческая веб-платформа, разрабатываемая компанией Invision Power Services, Inc. Ранее платформа существовала под названием IP.Board и позиционировалась как инструмент для организации веб-форумов. Начиная с версии 4.0 компания полностью поменяла концепцию своей платформы, к чему собственно и шла с ранних версий - IP.Board 3.x. 


  • Added new prune setting for failed requests in API logs.
  • Improved the efficiency of unread content streams when using MySQL 8.
  • Improved performance when replying to a content item or create a content item.
  • Fixed possible error when using the DataLayer with PII as well as Single Sign on.
  • Fixed issue with deleting secondary group using the REST API.
  • Fixed an issue where Censor Block may allow HTML tags to be used in the preview even though they are not stored in the database.
  • Fixed an issue where group promotion may move the member back to the default group if MySQL is temporarily unavailable.
  • Fixed an issue where the results count was always 0 for Hidden Content in the ModCP
  • Fixed an issue where certain saved charts were not showing.
  • Fixed an issue where broken modlog data could break the topic view page.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to toggle online status without multi-factor authentication.
  • Fixed an issue where OAuth PKCE values may not persist in some situations.
  • Fixed an issue where some very old topics would not show the "I posted in this" star.
  • Fixed an issue with notifications on comments that did not account for anonymous posting.
  • Fixed an error on the Manage Promoted Items page when an application is disabled.
  • Fixed an issue which happened while warning a member.
  • Fixed an issue where the content widget was showing the tags option for all content types, even if they weren't implementing tags.
  • Fixed an issue where a service worker may not work if your site is not accessible to guests.
  • Fixed an issue where deleted an application wouldn't remove the data from the core_jаvascript db table.
  • Fixed an issue on the moderators permission page.
  • Fixed an issue where the REST API (with API key) would not return a last activity date for anonymous members.
  • Fixed an issue on Cloud where large Member CSV imports would inadvertently trigger human verification.
  • Removed CommunityHive integration.
  • Removed ability for pending-validation registrations changing their email address to avoid a race condition.


  • Improved performance when rebuilding statistical data for forum topics.


  • Added a new prune settings for Commerce related member history.
  • Fixed an issue where upgrading subscriptions did not always update the expiration date.
  • Fixed an issue where support request URLs would be sent to IndexNow.
  • Fixed an issue where some support requests were not properly linked to a member account.
  • Fixed an issue where some billing agreements were not properly linked to purchases.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the club owner could fail for paid clubs.


  • Fixed an error that could occur when viewing badges that had been assigned for completing a course.


  • Fixe dan issue in the upcoming events widget where club events would be shown even if they shouldn't.


  • Fixed an issue with the RSS Feed widget, where the cache expiration time would be overwriten by the custom rss widget cache time.


  • Removed the 'Popular Now' widget, use 'Trending Content' instead.

Changes affecting third-party developers and designers

  • Added new _setLastComment() method to nodes.
  • Added new \IPS\Node\DelayedCount trait.
  • Other performance improvements included related to search index and content statistics.


IPS Community Suite 4.7.18 NULLED [18.68 Mb] (cкачиваний: 18)
MD5: 3847dcaa4e2ef58367cc62a20001db2f


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